Accelerating Progress

Success Stories

Accelerating progress through meaningful impacts.

"I have enjoyed the SBIR TAP training. It was very useful in terms of networking with other entrepreneurs and also for learning the marketing tools and skills. I have personally implemented some of the tools in my recent SBIR proposals. We got a great feedback from the reviewers that helped to win new Phase II and Phase III SBIRs. The training is certainly useful, especially for the beginners, and I strongly recommend it to be continued."
Sivaram Gogineni, Ph.D.
Spectral Energies, LLC
"Excellent program that was well-arranged, hosted by experts, well-rehearsed, and in the workshop format which reinforces learning. I also like the cohort concept. I've already reached out to one of my fellow cohorts and gotten excellent information. Thank you all for what you do."
Colonel, US Army (Retired) Vern Beatty
President Auctus Blue LLC
"I greatly enjoyed the guest speakers and also found the dialogue between all the companies in the cohort to be extremely valuable. I found the commercialization exercises to be greatly beneficial as well. Many of these exercises forced me to sit down and reassess my early assumptions, and based on these lessons and feedback I received, I have already shifted my approach to DOD outreach and will continue to evolve it."
"Great prep for someone (like me) who plans to seek a Phase II award."
"This is really great content that was very useful and is something we will leverage going forward."
"Sharing and getting input from others in the Cohort was most helpful. The most pointed presentation (Last one) on how to win a Phase II award was very helpful."
"This is a valuable program where companies are eager to participate and assist others, in addition to excellent presentation and knowledge by the SBIR TAP instructors."
"Tips and tricks were really useful. Cleared up a lot of issues w/ Phase II RFP."
"It helped us to look at our previous AFWERX SBIR proposal from a new perspective and make improvement for possibly a re-submission"
"The team did a great job presenting their lessons and mentoring us as we applied it to our own venture."
"The feedback and insights from the cohort members was a significant reason for the higher score"
"I felt like the tone and pacing were spot on. It was a good balance and scope."
"Perfect for being between a Phase I and a Phase II"
"Business models for both commercial and Govt sector were very helpful. phase 2 information was helpful."
"It was great for me. I have now a better understanding of the SBIR programs."